16 de dez. de 2011

Visa and luggage: check!

Hey y´all!
As I got sure about my project, I started to prepare all the burocratic stuff before travelling.
I took "febre amarela" vaccin.
Traveller´s Guide at:
(be aware to go to ANVISA in the airport to prove that tou took the vaccin before travelling!
and I also started with the documents to apply for the visa. And I got it last week!
Here are some information to get a visa:

And in portuguese, here is what my travel agency said:
Abaixo, informações completas e atualizadas dos documentos necessários para solicitação de visto para a China - Pequim, no Consulado de São Paulo:

Documentos necessários para Brasileiros
- À TURISMO: . passaporte original com validade mínima de 06 meses
                      . 01 foto 3x4 recente ( COLORIDA E COM FUNDO BRANCO)
                      . 01 formulário totalmente preenchido e assinado ( cópia em frente e verso - sem rasuras - aceito somente o novo modelo de formulário, conforme anexo)
- À NEGÓCIOS: . passaporte original com validade mínima de 06 meses

                         . 01 foto 3x4 recente ( COLORIDA E COM FUNDO BRANCO)
                         . 01 formulário totalmente preenchido e assinado ( cópia em frente e verso - sem rasuras - aceito somente o novo modelo de formulário, conforme anexo )
                         . Carta da empresa do Brasil + carta convite da empresa da China em modelo oficialmente utilizado pela China e devidamente carimbada
Estrangeiros deverão acrescentar:  RNE  ORIGINAL válido ou Passaporte Brasileiro válido ( em caso de dupla cidadania).
TEMPO DENTRO DO CONSULADO: 05 a 07 dias úteis ( tempo normal )  ou  24 a 48 horas úteis ( com urgência).
 Os documentos estão no site:
My brand new visa ;))

It was very easy and fast. Less than 2 weeks.
I also got 2 entrees. With 30 days validity each entree. So, I muss go somewhere outside China in 30 days after my arrival, then return to stay the other 30 days left. I may go to Seul in South Korea. Let´s see...

Yesterday I went to the supermarkt to buy some typical brasilian food: pão de queijo, leite condensado, feijão em lata, farofa, pé de moleque, rapadura, paçoca, bala de banana.

I also finished my luggage! 15 t-shirts, 2 jeans, 2 warm coats, underwear, socks, toiletries, bag, camera, medicin, batteries and presents. Missing something??? 

Well, I am travelling in less then 3 weeks. Yesterday my friend Ana went to Kenya. 
We started in AIESEC together, applying for the same project in different countries. We went to AIESEC preparation meetings together. After her departure I started to believe that my experience is about to happen. And in less than 3 weeks I will be in the other side of the world, eating something I have never seen before, living in a family of chinese people, hearing a language that I started the first contact 2 months ago... It will be at least an o.u.t.s.t.a.n.d.i.n.g experience. For good or bad, I will tell you when I get there ;)

Brazilian *delicious* food!

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